A Tapestry

Often times we don’t understand what God is doing. Life, from our perspective, tends to seem messy, chaotic and confusing. It looks like the back of a Tapestry – different colored pieces of thread going in every direction, at times appearing to make no sense to our human eyes and understanding.

Questions like these come to our minds as walk through life and face different challenges and circumstances…

Why is this happening?

Why didn’t it work out?

Why didn’t God intervene in this situation?

Is there purpose in my suffering?

Is there a hopeful resolution at the end of this trial?

In the very least, will this all make sense someday?

All we see is the back side of the tapestry – Our life – and with our limited knowledge and human nature, we don’t see things how God sees them. When in reality, He is making the most BEAUTIFUL tapestry we could ever imagine. We just happen to see the back of it until He shows us the other side, whether that’s on this earth or in eternity.

From time to time God gives us small glimpses of the front of the tapestry, and for a brief moment we see the beautiful masterpiece He is orchestrating – and we feel hopeful. A spark of hope inside of us is reignited, even if we’re still in the middle of the valley.

For some things, He is working it out for our earthly good down the road – and other times, He’s working it out for our eternal good and we may not know what that ‘good’ is until we meet Him face to face someday.

Sometimes the things we walk through are purely for His glory, and for other people to see Jesus in us.

However God is working it out, and regardless of when He does – we can take heart knowing that He promises in His Word to work all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. We can trust that even in the deepest valley that God is making a beautiful tapestry out of what seems to be chaos in our lives.

We’re currently walking through our fourth early miscarriage, and nearing the six year mark of infertility. In both the every day trials and the battle to grow our family, viewing our life like a tapestry has brought me great comfort. It reminds me that God is working every situation, struggle, valley, joy, and mountaintop moment for our good and that someday, I will see the finished masterpiece.

Sometimes God is merciful and allows me a small glimpse at the other side, and even if just for a brief moment, I understand what He’s doing a little more. Lately I have been gifted little glimpses at the other side of our tapestry, as I hear about others being encouraged by our story and testimony – which gives me the strength to keep walking on, knowing that God is using even the deepest valley for His glory and for good.

Be encouraged that God wastes nothing.

Life is like a tapestry.

And one day we will see what He’s been doing.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28


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    Lisa H.


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